урок английского языка в 7 классе
Лотфуллина С.Г.
Цели: 1) введение страноведческой информации по теме «Известные люди»;
2) развитие аудитивных и лексических навыков по теме;
3) воспитание уважительного отношения к знаменитостям, желания стараться быть похожими на них.
Оборудование: портреты известных людей, транскрипционные значки, карточки по количеству учащихся, проектор, ноутбук.
1. Организационный момент
T e a c h e r. Good morning boys and girls! I m glad to see you! How are you today? And about you?
– The weather is fine today isn’t it?
– What is the weather like today?
2. Речевая зарядка
– I’d like to know what famous people do you know?
– Who can add? Do you know any painters? Do you know any scientist? Etc.
3. Фонетическая зарядка
– So as you may understand we are going to discuss famous people. Today we are going to find the answers to the questions “Who are these people?” and “What are they famous for?”. (На доске – портреты знаменитостей).
– I have written their names on the blackboard. Can you read them? Let’s repeat after me.
Charlie Chaplin [ ]
Walt Disney [ ]
Mark Twain [ ]
Leonardo da Vinci [ ]
Albert Einstein [ ]
William Shakespeare [ ]
Bill Gates [ ]
Neil Armstrong [ ]
Winston Churchill [ ]
4. Закрепление введенной лексики в устной речи (на проекторе показываются фотографии знаменитых людей)
– Have you ever heard the names of these famous people?
– What are they famous for?
– What is he famous for?
Примерные ответы:
W. Disney is famous for his cartoons.
C. Chaplin is famous for his silent black and white comedy films.
M. Twain is famous for his books.
L. da Vinci is famous for his pictures.
Sir W. Churchill was a famous politician
W. Shakespeare is famous for his poems and plays.
A. Einstein was an outstanding scientist.
A. Sakharov was a famous physics scientist.
N. Armstrong was a first man to walk on the Moon.
B. Gates founded the company Microsoft.
5. Развитие устной речи
– Let’s complete the crossword.
1)… is an English writer and poet. He is famous for writing “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”.
2)… is an English singer, guitar player and song-writer who was a member of the Beatles.
3)… is an English writer of popular books and plays. She is famous for her detective stories.
4) Sir Arthur Conan … is a British doctor and writer who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.
5) Charles... is a great English scientist.
6)… an English politician. He was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War 2.
7) D. ... is an English writer. His most famous novel is “Robinson Crusoe”
6. Развитие устной речи (работа с проектором)
– We continue talking about famous people. Look at the screen and answer whose names do you associate with:
a) “Yesterday” 1) C.Darvin
b) The Moon 2) “Beatles”
c) “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” 3) Neil Armstrong
d) Donald Duck, Mickey Mous 4) Leonardo da Vinci
e) physics scientist 5) Mark Twain
f) Mona Lisa 6) Andrei Sakharov
g) “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet” 7) Walt Disney
h) “Yevgeni Onegin” 8) Aleksandr Pushkin
i) the theory of evolution 9) William Shakespeare
7. Активизация навыков чтения
– We’ll read the information about one Russian scientist. Read the text from exercise 44, p.18 and say what this scientist is famous for.
– Do you read? Let’s answer my questions:
1) When was A. Sakharov born?
2) Where was he born?
3) What university did he study?
4) When did he become an academian?
5) What did he decide to do at the end of 50s?
6) He was one of those who founded the Moscow Committee Human Rights, wasn’t he?
7) What prise did he win in 1975?
8) Where did the Conference take place?
9) Why do people still remember him?
8. Физкультминутка
– Are you tired? It’s time to do physical exercise.
Open the window,
Open the door
Turns the key.
Touch the table,
Touch the floor.
Close the window,
Close the door,
Turns the key,
Open your book
And look at me.
9. Активизация навыков аудирования
– Now, you will listen the dialogue about some famous person and you will answer the question: Who was the quiz about?
1) Do you know anything else about W. Churchill? Tell your classmates.
2) By the way, what do you know about Russian Prime Minister? (Student talk about D. Medvedev).
10. Активизация навыков диалогической речи
– Let’s work in pairs now. You will find out what famous people your partner likes or admires.
Ask him or her and fill in the table.
1) What artist do you like?
2) Who is your favourite composers?
3) Who is your favourite actor?
4) What pop-singer do you like?
5) What writer do you like?
11. Закрепление введенной страноведческой информации
– Listen to my statements, please. If you are agree with me, repeat my sentence. If you are disagree with me, correct it please.
1. Vladimir Putin is a famous actor.
2. W. Churchill was a politician.
3. Y. Gagarin was the first Russian cosmonaut.
4. A. Sakharov was born in the 19th century.
5. A. Pushkin is famous for his pictures.
6. W. Shakespeare was the famous scientist.
7. B. Gates is a famous pop-singer ит.д.
12. Развитие устной речи
– O’k, I see that you know these people quite well. All of them are famous and successful.
– Would you like to become a famous person?
– I hope, that you to become a famous person.
13. Подведение итогов урока
– It brings us to the end. Thank you for your work. I hope our talk about famous people was interesting and useful for you.
– Write down your homework, please. Exc. 46, p.19.
– You were very active today. Your marks for the lesson are …. The lesson is over. Good by, boys and girls!